Equality Policy

David Gordon Photography has been established for over 40 years offering professional photography services to the news and media as well as commercial and industrial business clients in both the private and public sectors.

David Gordon is committed to equality and demonstrates this through policies, procedure and practice. Discrimination is wrong and will not be tolerated.

David Gordon ensures that no clients, subjects or suppliers -- existing or prospective -- are treaded less favourably on grounds of age, gender, race, colour, creed, disability, marital status, or sexual orientation.

David Gordon will not knowingly sub-contract to or purchase from suppliers who discriminate or treat any person or group in an unfair or unlawful manner.

David Gordon is responsible for this Policy and its implementation. This Equalities Policy is reviewed and updated as required at least once a year, the next date for review is June 2025.

An up to date version of the Policy is at https://www.davidgordon.co.uk/equalities and available to view or download.

David Gordon
June 2024